
On Tuesday the 18th of February the year 7 and 8 students from rawhiti school went to camp. We walked from school to Spencer park.


I really enjoyed making dinner with my friends because i like to hang out with them and do stuff like cooking.

I found sleeping difficult but I lest had some sleep.

On Wednesday I did the ajournaling Forest activity where we clime up trees on ropes.

The rise value I showed was integrety because I was helpfull

Week 1 Reflection

For the first week of school I was scared to come back but then I had some friends from other classes that came to Tangaroa my class that I am in now as a year 8. But now I have a lot of friends.

I have liked making new friends.  One new girl used to go to my old school and I didn’t really know her then, but I remembered her and we talked and we are friends.

The second day I was probably more scared because of some of the people but everything went ok and I know that teacher will help me if I need it

Action station

For Action station I did kia-ri-ahi. We practiced throwing the bow to the bent ripping as a people’s tags from the hips the attacks Uncle Rippers you have a black belt around your waist with color straps that just  rip of your wast.

passion progect: art

passion progect:art

goal: i wont to learn how to do a cinnamiroll drawing but it was bad all the time when i try to do one so im going to try to do one


after goal: i tryed to do a cinnamaroll and i think it is ok i could try better next time


On thursday we had Nanogirl come to are school she showed us some science and it was so cool she did a fire one where she did soap gas and water on her hand and lit it on fire it was so big. Then she did air ones she grabed a buggy bourd then a shower curton then a life blower the science was so cool .


For Math’s today 10/ June/2024 we did       5.45 pm goes for 2 hours and 22 minutes

  1. 5.00 + 2 hours = 7.00    45 minutes + 22 minutes= 67 minutes 1/2               answer   8.07 3 hours the fiafia went for.

2.  at 18.55 the fiafia started it ended at 20.17                           answer 20.05

18/6.00      20/8.00       goes for 2 hours         18/5/19.55 20+20.05


1st one its 3 hours and the 2ed one was 2 hours so the longest fiafia is the 1st one .

How to write a song.

hello. This term our action stations we have been learning how to write a song. I really enjoyed the part where we had to write the song.

I did not like the time that we had to keep rewriting the story . If this was offered again I would do it again.

spencer park trip 2024

  1.   We biked all the way 7ks it was so long my legs started to hurt.


  1.  We put up the tent i put the tent up with jayed sophie we lost a poll so we had to you,s a stick.


  1.  I cooked dinner we had burgers .


  1.  We had free time we got to have a shower. We jumped on the big jumping pillow .


5.we played Play charades.with a team.


  1. Mr redmond tuke us to the field and we played predator we had 6 lives.




Day 2


7.i got up and had a nother shower then i had a jam toast and wet bix .


8.we put down are tent it was hard to put in the bag


  1. After I went to the Adrenaline forest it was so high and there where training army people. It was cool.


10.then i biked home are ather group got lost because i was behind them.


(It was fun i love it i love going on camp)